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What to expect in Feng Shui 9th cycle?

The period from 2024 to 2043 is the 9th Cycle, corresponding to the Li Gua in the Eight Trigrams of the Yi Jing, with the predominant element being Fire. This period will witness significant development in the cultural industry, including remarkable advancements in ideology, education, film and television media, and cultural communication. Traditional culture will experience a resurgence in importance. During this time, not only will there be higher levels of technological inventions and creativity, but also the emergence of prominent thinkers. It will be an era marked by reforms in the existing system, political ideologies, and significant educational changes.


Industries associated with the Fire element include the electronics industry, high-tech networks, information and communication technology, pharmaceuticals, petroleum extraction, electricity, natural gas, chemistry, solar energy, psychology, and professionals in heart and eye-related technologies. Any industries related to the Fire element will be the thriving sectors in the next two to three decades. Those with foresight can start planning from now.


In the 9th Cycle, where the dominant element is Fire, the central element in the Five Elements theory is Earth. Fire generates Earth, so the 9th Cycle is supportive of the central element. With Fire being the dominant element in the 9th Cycle, the focus of regional development will shift southward, with the southern region being the most prosperous.


In the 9th Cycle, from a macro perspective, industries such as culture, electronics, networks, and tourism will experience a significant period of growth and opportunity.

Li Gua represents the sun, electricity, and energy. The next twenty years will be the era of energy, witnessing breakthroughs in energy technology. Li Gua signifies industries related to electricity, engines, batteries, electric vehicles, welding, and sealing technologies that will thrive.


In the realm of information networks, Li Gua represents cloud computing, smart technology, intelligent manufacturing, and e-commerce. The 9th Cycle is bound to witness an "Information Technology Revolution." With the widespread application of robots and computer management, human work efficiency will soar, leading to remarkable economic achievements.


Li Gua corresponds to the eyes in the human body, symbolizing rapid progress in AI's "recognition" capabilities. On the health front, it indicates an increase in eye-related issues. Li Gua also governs the heart, blood, breasts, head, face, throat, small intestine, and uterus. A variety of ailments, including eye diseases, vision problems, heart diseases, burns, radiation sickness, breast diseases, blood disorders, gynecological issues, and cystic and spreading diseases, are associated with Li Gua. As Li Gua is linked to vision and the visual system, the 9th Cycle is highly advantageous for visual arts, the film and television industry, advertising and media, surveillance, packaging, luggage, and the lighting industry.


Li Gua represents cultural arts, fine arts, calligraphy and painting, beauty and makeup, humanities, medical sciences, and law. Li Gua signifies beauty and elegant clothing, benefiting the fashion and decoration industries. It is also associated with documents, certificates, securities, contracts, and legal matters, leading to excellent development in these fields. Li Gua is linked to famous places, museums, exhibition halls, indicating the continued prosperous growth of the tourism industry during the 9th Cycle.


As Li Gua consists of two yang lines above and below, with a yin line in the middle, it is referred to as "Li Zhong Xu," suggesting people's reliance or dependence on various things, including turning to religion to fill inner emptiness.


Li Gua is connected to boilers, ovens, gas stoves, frying, grilling, preserved meats, dried fruits, crabs, shrimp, turtles, and clams, contributing to the advancement of the culinary and catering industries.

In terms of direction, Li Gua represents the south. The southern regions of most cities, areas, and countries are poised to enter a "golden period," receiving societal support and opportunities for priority development.

Li Gua represents middle-aged female, suggesting significant development opportunities for middle-aged women. Their status is poised for substantial improvement, and female employment is becoming more favorable than that of men. Women are gradually taking control of financial power, and there is a rising divorce rate, with many instances initiated by women. These trends have already begun to emerge.


As Li Gua is associated with fire, it symbolizes firearms, guns, and warfare, also representing bloodshed. Due to people's impatience, radical and extreme ideologies, the future may witness an increase in shooting incidents. Additionally, with the development of terrorist capabilities or the radical and extreme tendencies of leaders in various countries, there is a possibility of global conflicts and wars on a certain scale. The 9th Cycle may also bring more volcanic geological activities, with both fires and droughts showing their impact, further contributing to the trend of global warming.


Due to the Water element restraining Fire in the Five Elements theory, industries such as trade, logistics, and transportation (associated with Water) may experience slow development. Fire restraining Metal implies potential obstacles for industries related to machinery, steel, and metal. Since Fire generates Earth, the real estate sector may lose some of its luster before 2043. Although not as splendid as the 8th Cycle (2004-2023), it is expected to experience steady development. The era of windfall profits is passing, giving way to more stable and rational consumption. Therefore, prospective homebuyers should approach their purchases more rationally.

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