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Feng Shui Tips For Beginners            Inside of the House

Feng shui is literally defined as wind and water, as “feng” means wind and “shui” means water. These elements are associated with good health and fortune, and using feng Shui in your client’s home will improve the flow of energy. However, this is an ancient Chinese practice, and there are specific rules to be followed!


Here are some tips for Feng Shui Beginners to pay attention of.


Front door

How to determine a good Feng Shui house? The 3 most important parts of the house are the main door, the kitchen and the master bedroom. Front door is like the "mouth" of a person, which intakes energy from outside into the house. If the main door is opened at the right position, it allows positive energy going into the house. However, if the door is opened at a wrong position, negative energy will enter the house and affect one's health and wealth. So where is the best location for main door? Feel free to call me!


Kitchen Tips 1

Kitchen is another part of a house which Feng Shui masters pay extra attention to. According to Chinese Feng Shui, kitchen should never be built at the middle or North West side of a house. Kitchen in the middle of a house will increase the chance of heart or circulation problem. Northwest Kitchen will affect the health of the father (eldest male) in the house. Also, it is important that you don't  see the stove when you open your front door since we believe that money will drain out fast in this setting.


Kitchen Tips 2

In Feng Shui's perspective, if the kitchen's door is facing washroom's door, it would bring health issue to all household members.


Also, if the stove is directly facing the faucet or the refrigerator, we believe it would lead to back pain problem.  


Moreover, a red coloured kitchen would affect the temper of the household members, especially the one who cooks, he or she could be more aggressive and gets upset easily.



Washroom and laundry room should never be set in the middle of the house. Also, washroom door should not be facing any doors in the house. For Feng Shui and health reasons, we suggest people to close the washroom door. 


Of course, the most important point is a washroom should not be built in the money sector of the house which could lead to money loss of the household member. Please consult a Feng Shui master for more details.


Ceiling beams

In the ancient practice of Feng Shui, exposed ceiling beams represent strong channels for chi, which causes a negative effect in the home. Chi is the subtle life-force energy that embodies both living and nonliving things. The practice of Feng Shui balances the chi flow by concealing permanent objects that cannot be moved, by softening their appearance or by applying traditional Feng Shui cures. Sensitive people can experience headaches and other physical symptoms from spending too much time beneath beams in the home.

kitchen .jpeg


In Feng Shui, we don't suggest using too many mirrors. A common foyer Feng Shui mistake is placing a mirror directly across from the door. This mirror placement repels all chi energy- good and bad. Also, mirror should not be used in kitchen. The kitchen is a place where the "fire" flourishes. If the mirror shines on the stove, more fire will be reflected, and the stove fire will double. Too much fire will have an impact on home safety and family harmony.



Place your bed so that you can see the door to the bedroom without being directly in line with the door. Avoid any sharp objects inside the bedroom. Also, a solid headboard is important for Feng Shui setting. It would stabilize one's life and provide better health. The head of the bed should not place in front of the windows. If it could not be avoided, use blinds to cover the windows.  Mirror should not face directly to the bed. Never place plants or fish tank inside the bedroom. This picture is a bad example of how to set up the bedroom.



The number of light bulbs in an area could affect the Feng Shui. Usually, some masters avoid using 2 or 5 light bulbs in an area, because 2 and 5 represent sickness and death according to Flying Star Feng Shui. 3 or 7 light bulbs setting more or less lead to more arguments in the family. For the best result, consult a Feng Shui master.

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