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Feng Shui Tips For Beginners            Outside of the House

Feng Shui and your house placement is all about understanding the way that Qi (life force energy) comes to you. The flow of Qi affects your ability to be safe, happy, healthy and at ease. The better the Feng Shui of the location, the better your life goes. Unfortunately, there are definitely poor or “bad” Feng Shui locations for a house to avoid if at all possible. 


If moving is not an option, the best way to work with the exterior Qi of the land is to hire a Feng Shui consultant. It can be complicated for each particular situation because there are many factors to consider. A Feng Shui consultant will have experience and offer a more fine tuned and skillful correction. 


Here are some tips for Feng Shui Beginners to pay attention of.


Wealthy water?

Most people know that “Feng Shui” means “wind” and “water” in Chinese, most people think water means money, so they have a concept that houses facing water like a lake, river, ocean, fountain and swimming pool means a money making house . Actually this is totally wrong. According to Chinese Feng Shui, we have straight rules for so called “wealthy water”, for example from 2004-2024, water located at south-west of your house is called “wealthy water”. Therefore, maybe it’s a good idea not to pick a house facing water.


Mountain = Health?

In Feng Shui, mountains always relate to one's health. It’s better to see a green mountain than a bare mountain with rocks. Mountain with lot of greens represents good health. Bare mountain usually will affect people’s health and relationship between family members. 


The photo is a good example of a bare rock mountain on the left hand side of the house.



Try not to pick houses which are close to church, temple, police/ fire station, hospital or school. We believe both church and temple are places of sanctity for their believers, which they draw most of the positive energy around the area, leaving only negative energy. For police/ fire station and hospitals, the siren sound of the vehicles maybe too noisy which bring negative energy to the neighbourhood. As we all carry energy, when students arrive at school, energy level is high; however, students all go home after school and energy drop from high to very low in a short period of time. The unstable energy will affect the Feng Shui of the area.

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The shape of a house is important in Feng Shui. Houses with rectangular shapes (length longer than width) are more preferable than square shaped houses. Do not pick houses with irregular shapes since they have Feng Shui disadvantages. Irregular shaped houses usually affect people's health.For example, if a house doesn't have a north-west corner, it will affect the health of the eldest male or someone living in the house has head or bone's related problem. 



Most houses are built on flat land, however some houses are located at slopes. In Feng Shui we usually prefer a house with the backend higher than the front side. Of course, there are some exceptions. If the front door of a house is located at the lower side of the land, it is better to consult a fengshui master's advice to see if it will affect one's health and money aspects.


Dustbin shaped lot?

The shape of your property affects your Feng Shui. One of the most problematic shape resembles a dustbin, where the front of the lot is wider than the back. This translates to the inability to hold onto wealth. The opposite and more ideal lot shape is called the “money bag” lot, where the back is wider than the front. If you have a “dustbin” shaped lot, place lights in the back corners directed up and toward the home or add a tree in each corner to get the compressed Qi moving.


Concave vs Convex?

In Feng Shui, if your house is facing a concave road, we call this road “hugging with love”, so people living inside usually have a better relationship with others. On the contrary, if the house is facing a convex road, it is called “a bow with an arrow”. People living in there are more likely to have more accidents and health problems.


My Advice

Based on my 20 years experience of Feng Shui studies, I noticed that if things go wrong during my trip to a Feng Shui appointment, for example traffic jam, car accident, road construction which somehow delayed my arrival, it is a warning sign that the house may not be a good one to pick.

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